DAV Mukhyamantri Public School

Charched,Block Kasdol Baloda Bazar, Chhattisgarh

House System  

Students are divided into four houses according to the Roll Nos. assigned to them.

Roll No. 1,2,3,4 belong to A.P.J Abdul Kalam House, Swami Dayanand House, Mahatma Hansraj  House and Bhagat Singh House respectively and so on and so forth. Students wear their house badges during the functions and participate in several competitions to win laurels for their respective classes.

Responsibilities of House on Duty:

1. To check the late comers at Gate No. 1.

2. Floor wise checking of uniform, haircut and trimming of nails.

3. Maintenance of discipline in the morning assembly.

4. Maintenance of discipline during recess in the corridors, water points, washrooms and ramps etc.

5. To check the movement of the students in the corridors without Class Out Pass.

6. Smooth and disciplined dispersal of students at the time of closing of the school.



DAV MUKHYAMANTRI PUBLIC SCHOOL, Charched,Block Kasdol,Baloda Bazar, Chhattisgarh (A Co-Educational English Medium, Senior Secondary Public School, Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.

Email: davmmpskasdol@gmail.com

Ph.No. 9418237091,8349681606


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