DAV Mukhyamantri Public School

Charched,Block Kasdol Baloda Bazar, Chhattisgarh

Leave Rules  

Absence without leave is viewed seriously

1. Leave application stating valid reason should be signed by parent/guardian who has signed in the columns of specimen signature in Personal Diary of the students.

2. Leave upto four days can be granted by the Class Teacher provided the application is supported by valid documents like Medical Certificate or photocopy of travel tickets or invitation in case of function.

3. In case of travel abroad, the leave must got sanctioned from the Principal before proceeding on leave. Leave application should be got sanctioned atleast one week in advance with supporting travel documents like photocopy of stamped passport, Air Ticket etc. no leave application will be considered after the leave has been availed.

4. Absence without intimation for more than seven days will lead to striking off the name from the school rolls.

5. It is mandatory to have minimum 80% attendance to be eligible to appear in the final examination in all classes.

6. Short Leave/Half Day Leave is granted only in case of an emergency and parent/guardian has to come to school to take the student back home and has to produce ‘Permit Card’ issued by the school.

7. A student has to take examination but in case of illness where application is supported by Medical Certificate by a competent doctor the child would not suffer in terms of grades but in case of leave for travel abroad / attending some social functions the child will be penalized and he/she will lose the weightage of particular exam.



DAV MUKHYAMANTRI PUBLIC SCHOOL, Charched,Block Kasdol,Baloda Bazar, Chhattisgarh (A Co-Educational English Medium, Senior Secondary Public School, Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi.

Email: davmmpskasdol@gmail.com

Ph.No. 9418237091,8349681606


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